This report provides clear direction on how both CPGs and retailers can harness the potential of subscriptions to increase sales and strengthen connections with consumers. Direct to consumer is a big shift happening across the marketplace and selling via subscription is a growing part of this shift.
The report offers:
>> A framework that clearly lays out the full range of subscription opportunities –from automatic replenishment to curated collections and wide-assortment shopping.
>> Nine go-to-market strategies that CPGs and/or retailers can use to leverage subscriptions to generate growth for their businesses.
>> The necessary market conditions and requirements for success.
For product manufacturers and retailers who are willing to step outside of the traditional “sell only through stores” approach, subscriptions can connect the right shopper with the right products.
Our thanks to SAP Hybris for supporting the publication of this report.
SAP Hybris provides omni-channel customer engagement and commerce
solutions that allow grocery retailers to build a contextual understanding of
their customers in real-time, deliver a more impactful, relevant customer
experience and sell more across every touch point, channel and device.